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Top Master’s Golf Clubs
What types of golf clubs are the pros playing at this year's Master's Golf Tourney? We found a great article that discusses that in depth. Masters Golf Clubs.
Best Master’s Golf Balls
We wondered what the top golf balls being used by the pros at the #Masters were, and we found it. Take a look at this awesome blog post about #MastersGolfBalls.
Golf Course Nutrition
We found this awesome artice on Golf Course Nutrition and thought we would share it during the #Master's.
Golf With a Pro
We found a really great idea for golf that borders upon what GolfLic is trying to do in helping the average golfer. We came across David Reed's websites and One of the best items that he offers on his site is his Golf With...
Best Golf Beers
First off, let me say, we do not condone underage drinking, drinking and driving, or drinking on the golf course to the point you become a nuisance. If you are an adult, and you want to have a cold one during or after your 18 holes, go for it. Yes, we wrote a guide...
Favorite Golf Bet
The brand of golf I play is a little bit different than what you watch on Sunday with the PGA. The purse is also smaller. What I want to introduce to you are some simple bets that keep your focus on the game, and your hand in the money. If you bring your bottle of...